Looking for an Advertising Agency? You’ll be glad you found us
Great Ideas. Great Service. Great Results.
These are the three things you want when you are looking to work with an advertising agency, marketing and/or a public relations firm. This is what we do. We’ve been providing award-winning creative to our clients since 1995.
A Nip and Tuck – Do you need a new look?
No, we’re not talking about Botox or Liposuction, this isn’t personal, its business. Sure maybe you need a nip and tuck, but more importantly, does your company have an image, a look, a personality? Do people know who you are and what you do? Is your messaging clear, concise, consistent? If you answered “no” to any of these questions it’s time for a corporate make-over. Sure, we can create or enhance your brand or image, we can give your company a new look and feel, and it won’t require a week’s stay at rehab.
How do you use an Advertising Agency?
Well, that all depends upon who you are and what you need. Believe it or not, sometimes a company doesn’t know what it needs or wants, but they know they need “something.” We can help you figure it out, that’s our job.
We are a full-service advertising agency, marketing and public relations firm providing the complete range of traditional services, from creating print, radio and television advertising, to corporate identity, branding and much more. However, we also work as a major “out source resource” for many different types of agencies and companies. How you use The Bamboo Agency depends upon your company. Click Here to see "The Bamboo Agency" Interface Model.
"The Bamboo Agency" Interface Model.
With this Advertising Agency you have options
Having choices is a good thing. We give you choices. While we are hired directly as a firm's outside advertising agency, marketing and/or PR firm we are also hired by company’s that have their own in-house advertising/marketing/pr department(s) to provide a fresh perspective on a specific campaign, problem, or project. We can produce materials for you or let your own in-house graphics team use its own resources to bring a project to fruition, regardless of the type, nature or scope of the deliverable we can help you achieve your goals.
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